Thursday, September 15, 2011

Who and what are the Friends

We've created a new brochure explaining the aims and progress of the Friends of Wesleyville. We'd like you to read it and comment on the contents so that we can improve the brochure before publishing 100's.

Thank you.

Walk or run for Wesleyville

Please consider participating in the Northumberland Sunrise Rotary Harvest Hike on Saturday October15th starting at 10 a.m. at the Ganaraska Forest Centre.  We are asking friends and members of FOWV to do the walk/ run and get sponsors who agree to donate a set fee for Wesleyville if the walker/ runner completes the 5 km course. The walker/runner must also pay a 20 dollar entry fee which entitles them to a t shirt, a bottle of water and a chili lunch. Contact Blake Holton (905) 885-7439 to join in. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Art and Theatre in the Country Saturday September 10th

The Friends welcome Herb Jung and Dave Carley who are planning a special event on Saturday September 10, 2011 at the Wesleyville Church.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided by the Friends and we encourage all our members to attend this event. Maybe you could make it another stop on the Northumberland Hills Studio Tour taking place this coming weekend.

Port Hope artist Herb Jung and Canadian playwright Dave Carley will combine their talents for a day of art and theatre, in a collaborative project.

Jung´s "Trevi Fountain" painting will be brought to life with a dramatic performance reading of Carley´s play, based on characters in the painting. There will also be an exhibit of Herb Jung´s latest paintings.

Hour Long Performances: 2pm and 4pm. Saturday Sept. 10th at Wesleyville Church.
Exhibit of paintings from 11am-5pm.

Admission for performances: recommended donation $10 or PWYC
Contact Herb Jung for more info: 905 885 6328