Thank you to Blake Holton for supplying the address for the past 6 years. From now on the FOWV address is ,
The next event at Wesleyville Village, 2082 Lakeshore Rd., Port Hope is:
Ghostly Visit
Saturday Oct. 22, 2016
Open 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Tickets at door. Family of up to 5 – $10 Individual – $5
Scary adventures, treasure hunt,
games, treats, pumpkin decorating, marshmallow roast.
Our supporters may also be interested in the following event:
You are invited to participate in Port Hope’s first ever wheelbarrow parade!
Port Hope is home to the world’s largest monument dedicated to Farley Mowat; the drystone walled structure with an overturned sailboat is called the Boat-Roofed House and is currently located on private property at 20 Catherine Street, Port Hope. We are inviting you to help us ceremoniously relocate the structure on Saturday October 8, 2016 at 11:00am.
The purpose of relocating the structure is to create a public and permanent tribute to one of Canada’s greatest literary figures, a fervent environmentalist and one of Port Hope’s most distinguished residents.
Much of the work in dismantling, relocating the stone and professionally reassembling this iconic structure will take place during the week starting Monday October 3rd and will culminate in a Festival on the Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. We are inviting dignitaries, event sponsors and the public to help us make this monumental move by participating in a ceremonial parade carrying some of the smaller stones, by hand and in wheel barrows, to the new location at the East Side Ganaraska Park (Mill Street, Port Hope).
What: Following Farley - Wheelbarrow Parade
When: Saturday October 8, 2016 @ 11:00 am
Start Location: 20 Catherine Street
End Location: East Side Ganaraska Park
Rain or Shine.
Additional information about the Following Farley event on Thanksgiving Weekend can be found online
Please contact me at by Friday September 16th - to confirm or to find out more information
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Charles Wickett for Following Farley Committee
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